Silverfall Read online

Page 6

We stopped there. I didn’t even complain about him lying on my arm, in spite of the numbness tingling through the skin. He leaned down and kissed my cheek and my neck. He let himself rest there, his breath washing over my ear.

  “Hey,” he whispered. “I need a shower. Would you be able to help me? It’s so hard to hit the small of my back.”

  I chuckled. “As long as you stop playing around. I hardly think you need a pretense to fuck me, now.”

  He pulled away—like, away away, not just a little bit away—and cocked up an eyebrow. “It wasn’t about sex. I seriously have a hard time with it. I was hoping you’d help, since you’ve already seen me naked.”

  What? Shit. Fuck. Actually, not fuck, I suppose. I was the world’s biggest horndog. “Sorry. I just thought… Well, we were kissing and stuff…sorry?”

  A second and then he smiled. “Damn, you’re easy.” He scooted back over to me and kissed my bare chest right in the center. “Trust me: if I have a chance to get you in the shower, I’m going to take it. And you.” He grabbed me around the wrist, and we jogged over to the bathroom. I wish I’d known about his plan beforehand. I would have cleaned. It wasn’t exactly disgusting, but the tub could have used a scrubbing. Cleaning the sink wouldn’t have hurt, either.

  I wouldn’t be embarrassed. I was determined. If I was embarrassed, he’d just be that much more likely to notice the mess. So I tried my very damn hardest not to show Leon anything. I also got naked real quick. Give him some kind of distraction. God, that sounded narcissistic.

  It worked, though. My shorts hit the floor, and Leon dropped to his knees. He wrapped his lips around the head of my dick and then slid down. He sucked back hard.

  “What about the shower?” I asked.

  Damn it! Why the fuck did I have to open my mouth right then? Did I really just question head!

  He popped off and grinned up at me. “I figure you need to work up a sweat. Otherwise, there’s not a lot of point in getting in the shower, right?”

  I imagined water running down his back, his chest, darkening and flattening his leg hair. The steam. The tightness. The echoing moans and grunts and panting.

  Heat rose in my cheeks. “I can think of a few very good reasons to start it now.”

  He kissed the tip of my dick and then reached behind him, blindly fumbling for the faucet lever. After a couple of tries, he flipped it toward the back wall. Water flooded down, singing bass against the porcelain tub.

  Leon rose and locked elbows with me. “Shall we?”

  I nodded, and we both took the two steps over and into the tub. Leon pulled the curtain, closing us in. Hot water lapped against my toes and wet the tops of my feet. I stood there, just looking at him, breathing the same air, and feeling myself grow harder the whole time.

  I pressed against Leon, reached behind him, and popped up the diverter. Water sputtered for a few seconds, and then the showerhead sang to life. Warm water pelted down, striking erratic and discordant against the walls, the tub, and the shower curtain.

  Leon knelt again and took me into his mouth. Slow suction, sliding from the tip, enveloping my dick in a sheath of pressure. He cupped my ass in his hands and thrust my hips for me. After a few pushes, I took over. I had to focus just to breathe, force my mind to tear away from the rampant ecstasy of Leon’s mouth. I stared down, almost grunting, watching my length piston in and out. His cheeks sank in, he sucked so hard. The water flowed in continuous streams from my body down onto his. Connection.

  He stretched his arms up, found my nipples, and rubbed the nubs until they hardened between his thumbs and forefingers. My thrusting picked up, and my grunting shifted to groaning. My knees shook from it, weakened by the constant joy, the warm and the wet, and the tightness of his lips around my cock. Rough lips. The touch of teeth here and there. Not painful, just the slightest sensation of hardness, the lightest accidental scraping, bursting heat up my shaft. His tongue rubbing across the underside of my head.

  I pulled out and backed away, bracing myself in the corner. Otherwise, I would have collapsed. Steam filled the shower already, a visible mist. It clung to me, hot and tingling all over my body.

  I let myself drop down and looked into Leon’s huge, dark eyes. He smiled at me, panting tiny, half-formed laughs. I waited until his lips parted just a bit, timed it out, and leaned forward into him. Tongue against tongue. The shower’s music softened and muffled against our skin. Rivers cascaded across my spine, my neck, and down my ass crack. I ached for it. I wanted to bottom for him. But I knew my own limits. Even now, I could feel his hard-on pressing into me. No way could I take something that big. Not yet.

  I lay flat out on my back, tossed my legs up into the air, exposing my hole to the steam and water, and grabbed my ankles.

  “Finger me.”

  He shook his head but didn’t say anything. He just lowered his face down. I felt him, the presence of a person, down by my hole. Then something warm and strong pressing in. I clenched up, but he kept at it, his tongue working slow, tight circles and tracing the outside of my hole until my body gave up, relaxing enough to let him deeper. I squeaked and writhed every time his tongue pushed past the barrier.

  My balls twitched up. I focused on my breathing and focused on the sound of the water even as Leon’s lapping tongue and my short, high noises overtook everything else.

  “If you keep going…” The sentence trailed to nothing as I struggled against the oncoming release. “I’m going to come.”

  Didn’t make a difference. If anything, he pushed deeper and harder. My breathing came faster and shorter. Another twitch of my balls and then another. Water warm on my chest, my stomach, my back, and my thighs. My shoulders lifted off the bathtub floor as the heat, the passion, shot out of me. The peak of the crescendo.

  Everything was so quiet after. I lowered my legs and lay there, hardly able to even consider movement.

  Leon wrapped a hand around his shaft and pumped his fist up and down so rapidly. I put a hand on his chest.

  “Stop. I can handle that.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve been handling this for long enough to know what I’m doing.”

  I moved to take over, but the quiet disappeared in two words, shouted from the other side of the door.

  “Yo, bitch!”

  “Fuck!” I slammed the handle back to the right, shutting off the shower. “Terry’s here.”

  Leon nodded and took his hand back. His cock stood stiff, angled slightly down. “Right.” He gestured to himself. “My clothes are kind of scattered around your living room.”

  I nodded and ripped the shower curtain aside. “I’ll go get them.” I bolted for the doorway, grabbing my boxers on the way out. But I stopped before I stepped out. “I owe you one. So don’t let me forget.”

  He chuckled. “Agreed. I’ll make sure you pay up. But if you don’t want your friend to see me naked, you should really go get me some clothes.”

  I started pulling my boxers on. “Right.” Honestly, though? I kind of did want Terry to see Leon naked. I didn’t get to brag about sex to him much, and Leon was a doozy. But I shook the thoughts off. I’d have time for that later.

  I grabbed a towel and headed out, still stuffing my half-hard dick into my boxers. “Hey. I wasn’t expecting you. I was just in the shower.”

  “That’s fine.” Terry bent down and picked up a pair of jeans that certainly weren’t mine. “How cramped was the shower?”

  “What?” I walked over and snatched them out of his hands. “It’s nothing.”

  “You get laid twice in one week, and it’s nothing? Is this Leon guy that bad in the sack?”

  A third voice answered from behind me. “Nope.”

  Shit. I didn’t say that. That was Leon. I turned around, halfway expecting him to be totally exposed. I wasn’t far from wrong. He had a couple of hand towels somehow tied around his waist. But it kind of went straight out in the front. You couldn’t see anything, but it was all pretty obvious.

  Terry pushe
d past me, his hand outstretched. “Well, hi.”

  Leon grabbed his hand and gave it a single shake. “As I understand it, I have you to thank for getting me together with Tony.”

  Terry clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Yeah. Maybe you should get to repaying me.”

  Yeah, he was joking. Mostly. I hoped. I cut in anyway and thrust Leon’s pants into his hands. “Maybe put some clothes on before Terry ruptures something.”

  “Right.” He kissed me on the cheek and backed away into the bedroom. “Just a sec.”

  He walked off, and I fixed my best glare on Terry. “For once, can you keep your dick secured?”

  “It kind of does things by itself. I just try to stay out of its way.”

  I nodded. “I’m well aware. But I might cut it off if you don’t make a good effort to stay in its way with Leon.”

  He chuckled. “You really like this guy, don’t you?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. I really think I do.”

  Terry backed away and plopped onto the couch. “Okay. I’ll keep my partner in check.” He glanced at me over his shoulder. “It’s good to see you happy. All the bullshit aside.”

  “Thanks.” I patted him on the shoulder. “I owe you for this whole thing, anyway.”

  “I know. I’ll make sure to call in the favor at my convenience.”

  My next pat was a lot harder. More of a slap. A good slap. It stung my hand, and I hoped it got the message across. “You were so close to being awesome there.”

  He pulled the arm of his T-shirt down, revealing a nice red splotch. “I stick around and love you in spite of this sort of abuse. I think I deserve a little leeway.”

  I laughed. It wasn’t all that funny, but I laughed. This whole thing was funny. Of course Terry would come over in the middle of sex. When else?

  “Leeway granted.” I sat next to him on the couch, glanced to the bedroom to make sure Leon was still well out of earshot, then leaned in close to Terry. “So, what do you think of him? Like, really.”

  “Really. I think he’s totally baggable. An easy seven or eight.”

  “Seven or eight?” I shook my head and gave him another slap, across the chest. Not as hard as the first one, but he probably still felt it. “Come on. He’s, like, a nine.”

  “I always thought I was a ten.” Fuck. I hadn’t even heard Leon come up until he said something. “But that could just be vanity talking.”

  “You’re a ten for me.” I scooted over and let him sit next to me. Plus it put me as a barrier between him and Terry. “I just didn’t want to brag too much. It wouldn’t be polite.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t want to encourage a breach of etiquette.”

  “My God,” said Terry. “The only reason he even brought it up was to brag.”

  “I know.” Leon slipped his arm around my back and squeezed me tight against his warm, bare torso. “It’s kind of awesome, don’t you think?”

  Terry nodded, grinning. I knew that fucking grin. He was about to earn another slap, and he didn’t care. “That’s how I always describe him. Kind of awesome.”

  Or not. I waited for something else to come along, an amendment to his statement, or some dumb-ass remark or expression. Nothing. I glanced over at him and mouthed, Thank you.

  I should have trusted my gut. Terry leaned over me and whispered to Leon…very loudly. “So, exactly how big is your dick?”

  Not just one slap. I wailed on him good and kept it up until he threw his hands up in front of his face.

  “What. The hell. Is wrong with you? You. Don’t. Ask. That.”

  “Jesus, I give in.” He slinked off the couch. I wanted to follow him to keep up my assault, but Leon still had me held in place. Which gave Terry time to straighten his clothes and get presentable. Except for the red marks I’d left on his cheeks and forehead. It would be enough for now.

  “Ten inches.”

  I turned to Leon and just blinked. What the hell? Why the hell? “You…you didn’t actually have to answer.”

  He shrugged and gave me another squeeze. “It’s not like he’s ever going to get a chance at it. May as well give him a good vivid picture to jack off to.”

  Shit. I didn’t know how to feel about that. Yay, he wasn’t planning on sleeping with Terry. Probably the only other guy in the city who could claim that honor, besides me. But that meant that Terry had that information now, and I wasn’t the one to give it to him. Not to mention the number itself. Hearing it put in words like that made it that much more real. Like, nearly a foot. I’d have to get to work if I wanted to be able to take it this lifetime.

  Terry came around the back of the couch and stuck his head between Leon and I. “I’ve got a proposition. I’ll forget all about this whole thing, including the overnight foray, if you two go on a double date with me and my new beau.”

  I snorted. “You’ll forget?”

  “I swear on the great fucking state of Montana herself.”

  “Which means all of shit.” I chuckled. “Who’s this new love of yours?”

  “I don’t know yet. But I’ll have somebody in time for the date.” He sucked on his teeth for a few seconds and then snapped. Right in my fucking ear. “How’s Thursday work for you?”

  “You know my schedule.” I looked over to Leon. “You free?”

  “I can make sure I am probably. I might have to rearrange some stuff with my aunt, but I’ll make it.”

  “Great.” Terry flopped back onto the couch next to me. “Will you stop hitting me?”


  “Knew it was a long shot.” He pulled out his phone and started thumbing buttons. “Seven o’clock at the Rabbit’s Ear.”

  “Sounds good.” Leon yawned and stretched. “I’m sorry, but I have an early shift. I’ve got to get heading.” He stood up, grabbed his shirt off the coffee table, and moved over to the door. But of course it didn’t stop there. Between Terry and Leon, I wondered if I’d ever stop blushing again. Leon winked at me and turned the doorknob. “And I’ll remember that favor you owe me.”

  “I hope you do.” Play it off. Play it cool. Don’t let on that it’s anything more than an innocuous favor.

  He walked away, and Terry cleared his throat. “So, you already owe him a favor? Were you that bad?”

  Damn. “No. Someone walked in on us, so we had to cut it short.” I mocked slapping him and relished the flinch away from my hand. It wouldn’t last long, but I might get a few days of control out of it. As much control as anyone ever got over Terry, at least.

  He stretched out on the couch, laying his head on my lap. “So things are really going well between you two?”


  He let out a long, slow breath. “What’s he like, really? Besides gorgeous and well hung.”

  I thought about it. “He’s nice. And sweet. He picked me up way too damn early in the morning and took me out for Italian.” And he believes in unicorns. I still hadn’t told Terry about that. I couldn’t do it. He’d think I was nuts. Which maybe I was.

  But Leon believed me. He knew. Was that why I liked being around him so much? Some weird subconscious unicorn connection? Maybe, somehow. That scared me. Believing in unicorns wasn’t exactly the best basis for a relationship. Or any basis. But we’d worked well together before. This unicorn thing, that was new. It wasn’t part of us. I really tried to believe that.

  “He could be good for me.”

  “Well, obviously. He’s got to be way better than Carl. I never liked that bastard.”

  “Carl wasn’t that bad. He made his mistake, and I couldn’t forgive it, but up until that, he was good to me.”

  “I know. But you’ve got a new guy, and you need to make a good break. It’s been a couple years. You need to fully get over Carl.”

  I wanted to argue and tell him how wrong he was. That I’d moved on. But even I couldn’t buy that. It wasn’t even that long ago that I’d thought about going back to Carl, anyway. “I know I do. I think Leon’s going to be
a good way to get that done.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.”

  So was I. By God, so was I.

  Terry leaned back up to sitting and put his hands on his knees. “Well, I just stopped by to see you before work, really. I wasn’t trying to interrupt anything.”

  “It’s fine.” I threw an arm around him and leaned my head on his shoulder. “Why did you want to see me?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. It felt like a good idea. I wanted to check on you, I guess.”

  “How sweet.”

  “That’s me. Sweet as fucking vinegar.” He popped off the couch and headed for the door. “You should probably get ready for work and stuff, right?”

  I nodded. “I need to at least think about it, yeah.”

  He nodded. “I’ll see you Thursday night. Don’t be late.”

  “Don’t be single.”

  He snorted. “As if that’s ever a problem for me.”

  He was out the door without anything more to it. He clicked the lock closed again, and the apartment was silent. I could still smell Leon, the faintest whiff of his nature scent floating on the air in my apartment. Not with every breath, but the smell was there often enough for me to notice, for me to remember him and his presence and his constant warmth and contact.

  No time for that, though. A glance at the clock told me I really did have to start getting ready for work. Fuck. I still had to take an actual shower and eat something.

  Maybe his scent would stick with me after I left.

  * * * *

  It wasn’t a bad night, really. Just one pallet to unload. Which was good. I was completely exhausted. Too much sex and not enough sleep, although I never would have thought I’d claim to be having too much sex. But I never thought I’d see unicorns, either. Who was I to question the universe at this point?

  I took my time with the pallet. I needed the hours, and Dana had been known to send me home early before, if I got my work done. As long as I looked sufficiently busy when she was around, I’d get away with it.

  I had to stop myself from cussing when I heard the jingle of the door opening. Seriously? It had to be, like, fifteen minutes before closing. Why would someone come in now? Customers just made my job harder. They invariably needed something from the opposite end of the store.